507 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of municipal solid waste recycling in Yazd: Cost-benefit analysis

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    Background and aims: In every urban waste management plan, recycling and reuse is considered as an economic pattern. This study aimed to economic evaluation of municipal solid waste recycling in Yazd by cost-benefit analysis in 2015. Methods: This research is a descriptive–analytic study which in the data about quality and quantity of municipal solid waste in Yazd city were collected through the sampling and physical analysis and the data about total income and costs from the implementation of waste separation and recycling were collected by interview with recovery officials and field observations and were analyzed through the economic analysis of the cost-benefit. Results: The results indicated that the mean of waste produced annually in Yazd city was 109679.51 tons per years. The percentage of municipal waste components was organic matter (67%), plastics (7%), paper and cardboard (5%), metals (2%), wood (2%), glass (2%), leather and rubber (1%), textiles (1%) and PET containers (1%), respectively. Also, Only 2 percent of total daily production of waste were separated and recycled at source. The implementation a cost of waste separation at source on a monthly basis was 768,880,000 Rails and the benefits of it was 904,667,400 Rails and as a result, the amount of net benefit derived from the recycling scheme was 135,787,400 Rails. Conclusion: Considering the economic benefits of waste separation and recycling at source in the city of Yazd, can be in addition to compensate the many of the waste management sector costs and reduced waste disposal and management costs, Preventing environmental degradation and pollution of water, soil and air resources

    A development cooperation Erasmus Mundus partnership for capacity building in earthquake mitigation science and higher education

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    Successful practices have shown that a community’s capacity to manage and reduce its seismic risk relies on capitalization on policies, on technology and research results. An important role is played by education, than contribute to strengthening technical curricula of future practitioners and researchers through university and higher education programs. EUNICE is a European Commission funded higher education partnership for international development cooperation with the objective to build capacity of individuals who will operate at institutions located in seismic prone Asian Countries. The project involves five European Universities, eight Asian universities and four associations and NGOs active in advanced research on seismic mitigation, disaster risk management and international development. The project consists of a comprehensive mobility scheme open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North Korea, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who plan to enroll in school or conduct research at one of five European partner universities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. During the 2010-14 time span a total number of 104 mobilities are being involved in scientific activities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff exchange levels. Researchers, future policymakers and practitioners build up their curricula over a range of disciplines in the fields of earthquake engineering, seismology, disaster risk management and urban planning

    EU-NICE, Eurasian University Network for International Cooperation in Earthquakes

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    Despite the remarkable scientific advancements of earthquake engineering and seismology in many countries, seismic risk is still growing at a high rate in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Successful practices have shown that a community’s capacity to manage and reduce its seismic risk relies on capitalization on policies, on technology and research results. An important role is played by education, than contribute to strengthening technical curricula of future practitioners and researchers through university and higher education programmes. In recent years an increasing number of initiatives have been launched in this field at the international and global cooperation level. Cooperative international academic research and training is key to reducing the gap between advanced and more vulnerable regions. EU-NICE is a European Commission funded higher education partnership for international development cooperation with the objective to build capacity of individuals who will operate at institutions located in seismic prone Asian Countries. The project involves five European Universities, eight Asian universities and four associations and NGOs active in advanced research on seismic mitigation, disaster risk management and international development. The project consists of a comprehensive mobility scheme open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North Korea, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who plan to enrol in school or conduct research at one of five European partner universities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. During the 2010-14 time span a total number of 104 mobilities are being involved in scientific activities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff exchange levels. This high number of mobilities and activities is selected and designed so as to produce an overall increase of knowledge that can result in an impact on earthquake mitigation. Researchers, future policymakers and practitioners build up their curricula over a range of disciplines in the fields of engineering, seismology, disaster risk management and urban planning. Specific educational and research activities focus on earthquake risk mitigation related topics such as: anti-seismic structural design, structural engineering, advanced computer structural collapse analysis, seismology, experimental laboratory studies, international and development issues in disaster risk management, social-economical impact studies, international relations and conflict resolution

    Rapid method of obtaining area under curve for any compartment of any linear pharmacokinetic model in terms of rate constants

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45066/1/10928_2005_Article_BF01063618.pd

    Impact damage resistance of composite fuselage structure, part 1

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    The impact damage resistance of laminated composite transport aircraft fuselage structures was studied experimentally. A statistically based designed experiment was used to examine numerous material, laminate, structural, and extrinsic (e.g., impactor type) variables. The relative importance and quantitative measure of the effect of each variable and variable interactions on responses including impactor dynamic response, visibility, and internal damage state were determined. The study utilized 32 three-stiffener panels, each with a unique combination of material type, material forms, and structural geometry. Two manufacturing techniques, tow placement and tape lamination, were used to build panels representative of potential fuselage crown, keel, and lower side-panel designs. Various combinations of impactor variables representing various foreign-object-impact threats to the aircraft were examined. Impacts performed at different structural locations within each panel (e.g., skin midbay, stiffener attaching flange, etc.) were considered separate parallel experiments. The relationship between input variables, measured damage states, and structural response to this damage are presented including recommendations for materials and impact test methods for fuselage structure

    Effect of annealing on the electrical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Ni and permalloy nanowires

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    The influence of annealing on the microstructure and the electrical and magnetic properties of cylindrical nickel-based nanowires has been investigated. Nanowires of nickel of ~275 nm diameter and of permalloy (Py) of ~70 nm diameter were fabricated by electrochemical deposition into nanoporous templates of polycarbonate and anodic alumina, respectively. Characterization was carried out on as-grown and up to 650 °C heat-treated nanowires. Transmission electron microscopy imaging and diffraction of the nanowires showed a temperature-correlated grain growth of an initially nanocrystalline structure (untreated) with <8 nm (Ni) and <20 nm (Py) grains towards coarser poly-crystallinity after heat treatment with grains up to ~160 nm (Ni) and ~70 nm (Py), the latter being limited by the nanowire width. The electrical conductivity of individual as-grown and 650 °C annealed Ni nanowires was measured in-situ by scanning electron microscopy. At low current densities, the conductivity of annealed nanowires was estimated to have doubled over as-grown nanowires. We attribute this increase to the observed grain growth. The annealed nanowire was subsequently subjected to increasing current densities. Above 120 kA.mm−2 the nanowire resistance started to rise. At 450 kA.mm−2, the nanowire melted and current flow ceased. Magnetometry of as-grown and annealed nanowire arrays showed them to display quasi-thin film magnetic properties. Coercivity and saturation field were inversely correlated in annealed wires and a 25% tunability in these properties was achieved at just 200 °C


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    Тема пропонованої шановному читачеві статті знаходиться на перетині воєнної історії та краєзнавства. Після тривалої неуваги, зараз воєнна історія, зокрема козаччини, розробляється досить динамічно. Варто згадати хоча б роботи І.Стороженка [1], В.Заруби [2], О.Сокирка [3], Г.Шпитальова [4]. Одночасно все ще не розроблена докладно воєнна історія полків, які складали Гетьманщину. Хоча спроби такого роду є [5], але вони зосереджені не стільки на воєнній історії, скільки на історії полку загалом і, на жаль, не представлені у вигляді монографічних досліджень та не викладені в Інтернеті, що суттєво ускладнює доступ до результатів таких досліджень. Сюжет, пов’язаний із участю Миргородського полку в російсько-турецькій війні 1735-1739 років, не знайшов висвітлення в історіографії, хоча деякі факти містять дослідження А.Байова [6], О.Апанович [7] та вже згадувана монографія Г.Шпитальова. Протягом війни Миргородський полк брав участь як у далеких виправах, так і в ближніх походах різного роду – фортифікаційних, тривожних, для планової охорони кордонів. Залучення козаків Миргородського полку до далеких походів розпочалося вже у червні 1735 р., коли всі полки (крім Стародубського та Чернігівського) вирушили до фортеці Святого Іоанна на Українській лінії, де мали збиратися для виправи на Крим. До прибуття на лінію генерального осавула Ф.Лисенка обов’язки командира цього з’єднання виконував миргородський полковник Павло Апостол [8]. Кількість козаків Миргородського полку, які вирушили в цей похід, точно невідома. Проте є дані щодо старшини, яка очолила виправу – полковник П.Апостол, суддя Ф.Остроградський, писар В.Тихонович, осавул А.Волевач, хорунжі Т.Калницький та К.Шкурка [9]. Згідно з планами Генеральної військової канцелярії (далі – ГВК) передбачалося для Кримської (1736) виправи мобілізувати 16001 гетьманця, в тому числі 1196 шабель Миргородського полку [10]. Виникли певні проблеми з залученням старшини. Наприклад, миргородський обозний С.Родзянка уперто відмовлявся від походу під приводом хвороби, в яку полковник абсолютно не вірив. Проте С.Родзянка апелював до ГВК, де знайшов підтримку. Врешті, полкова старшина миргородців у цій виправі була представлена тими ж постатями, що й 1735 р., лише осавула А.Волевача замінив його колега С.Ґалаґан [11]. За попередніми планами на 1737 р. Миргородський полк мав виставити 849 шабель у Кримський похід. Після рішення фельдмаршала Мініха залишити слобідських козаків для охорони кордону їм на заміну залучили ще 200 миргородців [12]. На цьому зміни не закінчилися. На вимогу фельдмаршала Мініха Миргородський полк перейшов у його підпорядкування і вирушив замість Кримського в Очаківський похід